Sunday, August 16, 2009

All the way you lead me...

All the way my Savior leads me
Who have I to ask beside
How could I doubt His tender mercy
Who through life has been my guide
All the way my Savior leads me
Cheers each winding path I tread
Gives me grace for every trial
Feeds me with the living Bread
You lead me and keep me from falling
You carry me close to Your heart
And surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me
All the way my Savior leads me
O, the fullness of His love
O, the sureness of His promise
In the triumph of His blood
And when my spirit clothed immortal
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages
Jesus led me all the way
Jesus led me all the way
All the way my Savior leads me
-Chris Tomlin
I was woken up today with the beautiful reminder that God extends his grace and mercy new with each day. I worshiped with my church in Lancaster this morning. I wish every day gave me a 'high' like this from spending time with Jesus. If I was honest I couldn't say that I always feel Jesus. Some days it requires more faith to rest in the knowledge that I have a Savior despite how my heart is feeling.
I have concluded that the wedding I began to plan about 3 months ago was not what God had in mind. And while I can see his purposes in those ideas looking back, even now, I am continually needing to surrender this next chapter of my life to God. What I had mapped out seems to be turning upside down. It is kind of fun and scary all at the same time.
Two and a half months to go...

1 comment:

Brad said...

Nice song choice. ;)